Research Security

Protecting GW's Scholars and the Innovations They Bring

The George Washington University is committed to enhancing the global reach of our research and therefore supports and encourages international collaborations, interdisciplinary research, and the global exchange of ideas. GW values our partnerships with universities and organizations worldwide and appreciates the value these collaborations have on the education and research efforts of the institution.

Recent press coverage and federal oversight activities have highlighted concerns about foreign threats to U.S. intellectual property and the integrity of research endeavors. Congressional leaders and several federal agencies (including the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and the Departments of Education, Defense and Energy) have issued statements outlining these concerns and implemented related requirements designed to mitigate such risks.

This page serves as a hub for many of GW's efforts to safeguard the critical work of improving the world through the discoveries and creative expressions of its faculty and students.  

GW Research Security Resources

Funding Agency Requirements - Details on how specific funding agencies are implementing these requirements, including new requirements from the National Science Foundation (NSF), effective May 20th, 2024, and the Department of Defense (DoD), effective August 9th, 2024.

Definitions for Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs - Includes information on what does AND what does not constitute a "Malign" Foreign Talent Recruitment Program. 

Undue Foreign Influence - Additional details on concerns about foreign threats to U.S. intellectual property and the integrity of research endeavors. 

To request training or additional guidance on these requirements, or for any other inquiries related to research security, please contact GW's Office of Research Security at [email protected].